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Shaati Education

Math & Math Literacy

Math & Math Literacy

Free, premium and subscription-based Mathematics worksheets aligned with the Grades 1 - 12 CAPS curriculae.

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Mathematics: Drawing angles, 5 pages with 8 angles per page. A protractor is not drawn in. ..
Mathematics: Construct triangles by drawing the correct angle. Consists of 5 pages with 4 triangles on each page. ..
Mathematics expanded notation and place value to hundred thousands. 1 page of 32 expanded notation and place value questions. Does not include answers...
Mathematics expanded notation and place value to ten millions. Includes explanations. Does not include answers...
Mathematics: Exponents. Includes 24 questions and the answers on a sepearte page. ..
Mathematics Algebra: Functions - find the rule using the given input and output values of a pattern. ..
Showing 13 to 18 of 36 (6 Pages)