Math & Math Literacy

Free, premium and subscription-based Mathematics worksheets aligned with the Grades 1 - 12 CAPS curriculae.
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Mathematics: Telling time to the half-hour, 5 sets of 12 clocks. Includes answers...
2.50R 2.00R
Mathematics: Telling time to the hour, 5 sets of 12 clocks. Includes answers. ..
2.50R 2.00R
Time problem sums. Includes problems on elapsed digital time, weeks, months and days. 11 questions. Does not include answers. ..
Mathematics calendar (time) worksheet for Intermediate phase. Includes time mental mathematics...
Mathematics: What fraction of each shape is shaded, 10 pages with 18 exercises per page. Answers are included. ..
Mathematics Algebra: Write Statements into Equations. Thirty statements are given and the student has to write it as an algebraic equation. A valuable skill in mastering algebra. Includes all 30 answers...