Grd 4

Free, premium and subscription-based Mathematics worksheets aligned with the Grade 4 CAPS curriculum.
2 Digit column subtraction sums. 10 pages with 35 sums per page. Includes answers...
2-3 digits column addition sums. 10 pages with 35 sums per page. Includes answers...
Mathematics: Draw hands on clock - Hours. 12 per page. 5 pages. Includes answers. ..
2.50R 2.00R
Mathematics: Telling time to the half-hour, 5 sets of 12 clocks. Includes answers...
2.50R 2.00R
Mathematics: Telling time to the hour, 5 sets of 12 clocks. Includes answers. ..
2.50R 2.00R
Mathematics calendar (time) worksheet for Intermediate phase. Includes time mental mathematics...